Speaker 5: Robert Krikorian - A Personal History of CR Society Gatherings
Background: Neuropsychologist at U of Cincinnati Research area: lifestyle effects on the psychology of aging. Conference Organizer Member of CRS Board of Directors
Only his own personal observations on relatively recent CR gatherings - not the full history, which he hasn't been involved in.
Interested in what motivates people, and especially CRer's motivations. CR is powerful means of influencing our body's dealing w/ aging, as well as our personal identity and values.
CRers share characteristics that allow them to practice it despite societal resistance.
The primary motivation for many CRers - Life is too short.
He was deeply influenced by death of uncle at age 4 - made him recognize his own mortality. Been concerned about aging and death since then. Never wanted to be older, as most kids did. Disappointed that his life would eventually come to an end.
Most CRers aren't fearful of death, as some outsiders think. They share a sense of adventure, and a willingness to take risk - to go out on a limb.
He had questionnaire at last conference about psych profile of CRers. As a group, we're not very neurotic or extraverted. Moderately agreeable, we are moderately conscience.
A few CRers are "thrill seekers" - but not too many.
What nearly all CRers share is an openness to new experiences.
He joined CR Society after discovering Walford's book, and almost immediately got interested in getting together with his on-line friends.
Local California meeting that he organized went well that. With that success he partnered w/ David Stern to organize first national conference in Las Vegas. First conference much more "lifestyle" oriented. He and others found it inspiring to be in room with other CRers.
Second conference in Madison Wisconsin was much more scientifically oriented - with many more CR researchers presenting. Quality of talks was excellent.
This is the third conference - 18 months since last one. Somewhat fewer presentations to allow more discussion and socialization. One of the most important aspects of conference is contact w/ comrades.
Personal motivation for Robert - Hopes to convince his kids to eventually adopt CR, and spend as much time with him as possible.